BUDDHISM | origin | followers | BUDDHISM Symbol meaning - indian-enews | INDIAN NEWS

BUDDHISM | origin | followers | BUDDHISM Symbol meaning - indian-enews

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

origin. North India, 5th century BC, a Hindi protest group.
originator. Prince Siddhartha Gautama (563-483BC), Buddha.
main text. Three pitakas (baskets) called vinaya, dharma and abhidharma (discipline, doctrine and further doctrine).
followers. 307 million.
divisions. The main divisions are Theravadan in SE Asia, Mahayanan in N Asia, Lamaism in Tibet and Zen in Japan.
deity. None although Mahayanan Buddhists believe in buddha as a spiritual being.
The teachings of Buddha reveal that there is no permanent 'self' and suffering is caused by a desire for that which is impermanent. These beliefs are expressed in the nobel truths:
 Dukkha, to exist is to suffer.
 Samuddaya, suffering is caused by desire, the cravings for pleasure and possessions.
 Nirodha, detachment from desire will end suffering.  Magga, there is a Way to achieve detachment.
The 'Way' varies between the buddhist divisions but the central theme is of meditation to acheive enlightenment or nirvana (the blowing out of desire)


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