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Google - Top Google Product list 2012 | google products search - google.com

Monday, 12 March 2012 0 comments

Living in the shadow of Gmail, Reader and Calendar's got to be tough, but that's what a slew of useful Google products do every day. We give Google's front-running applications a lot of ink (or pixels, as it were), and the rest a passing mention in the fast-flowing river of news. Today's top 10 pays homage to the little brother and sister Google products that you forgot all about.

1. Google Code Search

Top 10 Google Products You Forgot All About

Mostly of interest only to programmers,Google Code Search is a pretty incredible mechanism for finding and browsing the innards of countless open source projects. Use the lang: operator to limit your results to a certain language, and search by developer name, file name, or comments. Here's a search for the words "nasty hack" in PHP code—lang:PHP nasty hack—and here's a search for Javascript authored by Gmail Macros developer Mihai Parparita.

2. Google Base

Top 10 Google Products You Forgot All About

Easily publish and find recipes, classifieds, vacation rentals and job listings at Google Base, a no-web site way to get data online and into Google's search results. What's great about Base is that it offers data type-specific search operators. For example, you can search recipes by ingredient, or vacation rentals by location and features like how many bedrooms, and what type of property it is (cabin, cottage, hotel, villa, house, etc.)

3. Google Trends

Top 10 Google Products You Forgot All AboutCompare the "world's interest" in certain words and topics at Google Trends, which charts the number of times a word or phrase appeared on the web over time. Great for checking out the history of popular neologisms and brand names (like iPhone or lifehacker), you can also pit terms against one another. You can see from the image above that the phrase "getting things done" has been around a lot longer than the word "lifehacker." (Pit GTD vs lifehacker at Google Trends.)

4. Google Alerts

Top 10 Google Products You Forgot All AboutMake your web search results come to you with Google Alerts, email notifications that list the new web pages your search terms pop up on, real-time. Google Alerts automatically hands me Lifehacker story ideas every morning, and it's also great to ego search your own name, web site title or product name, too. To get results for several term searches in one alert, separate them with a pipe (|) or combine terms with AND, like wildfire AND "San Diego".

5. Google Book Search

Top 10 Google Products You Forgot All AboutRemember those rectangular objects that you used to read by turning a page from one side to the other? Ah, those were the days. You can still get your books online at Google Book Search, whose book-scanning elves add to the digital library all the time. Flip through pages of the books scanned into Book Search, and add books to your personal virtual library as well. Along those same lines, academics won't want to forget about Google Scholar for searching papers, theses, abstracts and articles, from academic publishers, professional societies, preprint repositories, universities and other scholarly organizations.

6. Google Page Creator

Top 10 Google Products You Forgot All AboutWhen Aunt Martha and Uncle Skip ask how to set up a web page? Point 'em to Google Page Creator, a totally web-based, WYSIWYG web site creation tool that hosts up to 100MB of files for free.

4. Google Notebook

Top 10 Google Products You Forgot All AboutWe all find snippets of web pages, quotes, and images all over the web we want to copy to a personal library, and Google Notebook is a powerful way to do just that. Whether you're researching a particular project, capturing ideas as you come across them online, or Getting Things Done, Notebook (especially coupled with its companion Firefox extension) is a powerful, useful tool.

3. Flight Simulator in Google Earth

Top 10 Google Products You Forgot All AboutOk, so Google doesn't make a flight simulator, but they do hide one in the latest version of Google Earth. Download Google Earth 4.2, and to enter flight sim mode, hit Ctrl+Alt+A (Mac users: Cmd+Opt+A), choose your plane, airport and runway. Google Earth's flight simulator isn't a walk in the park for newbs, so here's more info on how to take off and navigate the friendly, virtual skies.

2. Keyboard Shortcuts Experimental Web Search

Top 10 Google Products You Forgot All AboutHidden deep in the bowels of Google Labs is the Keyboard Shortcuts flavor of web search, which takes your mouse out of web search entirely. Once you're using Keyboard Shortcuts search (just add "&esrch=BetaShortcuts" to your Google URLs), use J and K to move up and down a search results list. Open a link using O or the Enter key; bring your cursor to the search box using / (forward slash), and Esc to get out of the search box. Here, install the keyboard shortcuts version of Google search into Firefox or IE7's built-in search box for easy access.

7. SketchUp

Top 10 Google Products You Forgot All AboutFree 3-D modeling program Google SketchUp lets anyone virtually architect their dream house, remodeled kitchen, office, spaceship or skyscraper. Download Google SketchUp for free, for Mac or PC.
This was a tough list to winnow down, asGoogle's full product list is long and prodigious. In fact, we're still having regrets about leaving Patent Search, Google Moon, and Google Mars off the list. Update: I'm particularly regretful about not includingGrand Central or Google SMS, too.

8. Page Speed

Page Speed
With Google search now factoring in a website’s loading time in an effort to improve user experience, it’s now more essential than ever to analyze your site for places where you can trim the fat and expose issues that you can fix to speed it up.
Page Speed is an open source Firebug browser add-on that helps you evaluate the performance of your web pages. Factors assessed by the add-on are based off Google’s Web Performance Best Practices, spearheaded by highly respected ex-Yahoo! Chief Performance and current Google executive, Steve Souders.

9. Google Ajax Libraries API

Google Ajax Libraries API
Most websites take advantage of using JavaScript frameworks such as jQuery and MooTools for creating Ajax-enabled web apps. But serving these libraries can give your web server a beating, especially if your website generates a lot of unprimed cache site traffic.
Google Ajax Libraries API is a way of serving popular JavaScript libraries (there are currently 10 popular libraries being offered up) to your site visitors, giving you the chance to offload the burden to Google’s highly capable infrastructure.
Using the Google Ajax Libraries API is advantageous for many reasons, including the reduction of web server bandwidth and resource consumption and a higher chance that your site visitors will hit your web pages with a primed cache because they might have visited another site that uses Google Ajax Libraries previously, producing faster page response times and enhancing their experience.

10. Google App Engine

Google App Engine
Google App Engine lets you run your web apps on the company’s infrastructure. What this ultimately translates to is that you can save your dough without sacrificing uptime and server resources. You can still use your web app on your own domain, but if you’re really that strapped for cash, you can use their free domain as well (yourapp.appspot.com).
To get your feet wet quickly, Google devised a practical tutorial on using Google App Engine to build a guest book. Want to see what the Google App Engine can do? Rummage through the Applications Gallery.

Youtube - Top 20 YouTube Video Tips | youtube video free download tips - Youtube.com


Tip #1: Flag a Video for Future Viewing
Here’s a familiar situation. You’re browsing the YouTube site and find a video that looks interesting, but you don’t have the time or inclination to watch it right then. Fortunately, YouTube lets you save this video in a temporary QuickList, without having to open the video page and start playback. Then, when you’re ready, you can go back to this video and watch it at your leisure.
To add a video to your QuickList, all you have to do is click the little + button at the lower-left corner of any video thumbnail. Videos stay in your QuickList for just a single web browsing session; as soon as you close your browser window, the QuickList is flushed.
To see all the videos stored in your QuickList, go to any video viewing page and look for the Unsaved Playlist panel on the right side of the page. View a single video by clicking the thumbnail, or you can play all the videos in your QuickList one after another by clicking the Play All link. To clear your QuickList, click the Clear link.
Tip #2: Save Your Favorite Videos
Videos stay in your QuickList until you close your web browser; the next time you visit YouTube, those QuickList videos aren’t there anymore.
When you view a video you like and want to keep longer than a single session, you can save it to your YouTube Favorites list. This list is kind of like the Favorites or Bookmarks list you have in your web browser. Any videos saved in YouTube Favorites can be easily accessed for future viewing.
To save a video to your Favorites list, open that video’s viewing page and click the Save link beneath the YouTube video player. This adds the video to the Favorites list. When you want to revisit any of the entries in this list, go to the YouTube home page and click the My Favorites link in the My box. This displays a list of your favorites. Click any video to watch it again.
Tip #3: Create a Video Playlist
One of the challenges of enjoying YouTube is the sheer volume of videos available. Saving videos to your Favorites list is one way to handle this volume, but even the Favorites list can get too large to be easily manageable.
For that reason, you may want to create playlists separate from (or in addition to) your Favorites list. A YouTube playlist is simply a collection of videos, organized by whatever criteria you deem appropriate. You can play the videos from a playlist individually or as a group, just as you would the songs in a music playlist on your iPod. And, of course, YouTube lets you create multiple playlists; you can have as many as you want.
There are several ways to create a playlist and to add a video to that playlist. The most common method is to open the page for a video and click the Add to Favorites link. When the Add Video to Your Playlists pane appears, pull down the Select a Playlist list, select the playlist you want, and then click OK.
If you haven’t yet created a playlist, select New Playlist from the Add Video to Your Playlists list and then click OK. This displays the Create/Edit Playlist page; from here, you enter some specific information about the new playlist:
Playlist Name: The name you assign to the playlist.
Video Log: Check this option if you want this playlist used as the video log in your Channel Profile page.
Description: A short description of the contents of this playlist.
Tags: Optional keywords you can use to describe this playlist.
Privacy: Choose whether this playlist should be public (for all YouTube users to view) or private (for your viewing only).
After you’ve filled in all the blanks and options, click the Save Playlist Info button. Your playlist is now saved.
To view the playlists you’ve created, go to the YouTube home page and click the My Playlists link in the My box. This displays the Playlists page. All your playlists are listed at the left of the page; click a playlist name to see which videos are in that list.
To play an individual video in a playlist, click that video. To play all the videos in a playlist one after another, click the Play All Videos link. Or you can click the big Play button next to the playlist name.
Tip #4: Share a Video via Email
If you like a particular YouTube video, chances are you have a friend or two who might like it, too. That’s why YouTube lets you share the videos you like—in fact, this type of video sharing is a defining feature of the whole YouTube experience.
You share YouTube videos via email. That is, YouTube lets you send your friends an email that contains a link to the video you like. When a friend receives this email, he or she can click the link in the message to go to YouTube and play the video.
When you want to share a video, go to that video’s page and click the Share link underneath the YouTube video player. This opens the Share Video pane; click the Friends link. When the next window appears, enter the email addresses of the intended recipients, separating multiple addresses with commas. Enter your name and a personal message if you want. Click the Send button, and in a few minutes your recipients will receive the message.
By the way, you can also share videos from your Favorites list. Just click the Share Video button beneath the video you want to share; then proceed to send the email as usual.
Tip #5: Watch YouTube Videos on Your Mobile Phone
If you have a web-enabled mobile phone, you can now watch YouTube videos from wherever you are. That’s right—YouTube has gone mobile, with the new Mobile YouTube service. The Mobile YouTube interface lets you search for, download, and view videos on your web-enabled mobile phone. (Make sure you have a fast mobile Internet service—and a fully charged battery!)
To try it out, point your phone to m.youtube.com and get ready to watch.
And if you have one of Apple’s new iPhones, you can access YouTube videos directly from the main screen. Just make sure you’re connected to the Internet, press the YouTube button—and enjoy!
Tip #6: Post a Video Comment
On most video pages, the bottom-left of the page is taken up by a series of viewer comments. Users can post their comments about any video. These remarks can be serious or considered, or just exclamatory (“Cool video!”), depending on the person doing the posting.
Most users add text comments, which is easy enough to do. Just open the video viewing page, scroll to the Comments & Responses section, and click the Post a Text Comment link. When the Text Comment box appears, enter your comments and then click the Post Comment button.
But here’s something you might not know: In addition to entering text comments, you can also post a video comment—that is, you upload your own video as a response to the video you just watched.
To reply with your own video comment, scroll to the Comments & Responses section and click the Post a Video Response link. This displays a new Video Response page. From here you can choose to record a video response (using a webcam and microphone), or choose another video you’ve already uploaded to YouTube as your response, or upload a new video as your response. Follow the onscreen instructions to record/choose/upload the video you want to respond with.
Tip #7: Post YouTube Videos to Your Own Blog
If you have your own personal blog, YouTube makes it easy to send any public YouTube video to your blog as a new blog posting. First, however, you have to tell YouTube about your blog so that it knows where to send the post.
Start by clicking the My Account link at the top of any YouTube page. On the My Account page, scroll down to the Account Settings section and click the Video Posting Settings link. When the next page appears, click the Add a Blog/Site button.
YouTube now displays the Add a Blog/Site page. Pull down the Blog Service list and select your blog host. (YouTube supports automatic posting to Blogger, Friendster, LiveJournal, Piczo, WordPress.com, and WordPress self-hosted blogs.) Now enter your blog username and password, click the Add Blog button, and you’re finished with this preliminary setup.
Once configured, it’s a snap to send any public YouTube video to your blog. Just open the video’s viewing page and click the Share link. When the Share Video panel opens, pull down the Choose a Blog list and select your blog. Enter a title for this post, and then enter any text you want to accompany the video. Click the Post to Blog button, and YouTube posts the video (and accompanying text) to your blog as a new post.
Tip #8: Upload “Live” Video from a Webcam
When it comes to uploading videos to the YouTube site, many users upload video files they’ve recorded from a digital camcorder. But that’s not the only type of video you can upload. Did you know that you can upload videos recorded directly from a computer webcam?
This trick is performed with YouTube’s QuickCapture feature, which lets you record “live” video from your webcam. Just sit in front of your webcam and start recording; whatever you record is uploaded directly to the YouTube site. Here’s how it works.
With your webcam connected and running, click the Upload Videos link on any YouTube page. When the Video Upload page appears, enter the title, description, and other information for your upload. Then click the Use Quick Capture button.
This displays the Quick Capture page. Pull down the list boxes above the video window to select your options for webcam video and audio. You’ll then see the picture from your webcam in the video window; click the Record button to start recording.
When you’re finished with the recording, click the Finish & Exit button. YouTube automatically uploads the video to the site and displays the Quick Capture Complete page. Your video will be available for viewing shortly.
Tip #9: Upload Videos from Your Mobile Phone
Here’s another cool and convenient way to post videos to YouTube: Use your mobile phone.
If your cell phone has a built-in video camera, you can upload videos directly from that phone without first copying them to your PC. All you have to do is set up YouTube’s mobile upload options and then email your videos to the YouTube site.
To configure YouTube for your mobile phone, click the My Account link at the top of any YouTube page. When your My Account page appears, scroll down to the Account Settings section and click the Mobile Upload Profiles link. On the next page, click the Create Mobile Profile button.
Next you’ll see the Create Mobile Upload Profile page. Supply the necessary information—the profile name, video title, whether you want the filename or date appended to the video title, a short description of the profile, whether your mobile videos should be public or private, tags for your mobile videos, a category for your videos, people you want to share them with, and how you want to be notified when the upload is complete. Click the Create Profile button, and your profile is created.
The profile you create includes the email address to which you should send your mobile videos. Typically it’s a series of numbers followed by @mms.youtube.com. Make a note of this address and enter it into your mobile phone’s address book.
To upload a video from your mobile phone, start by recording the video on your phone; then email the video to the @mms.youtube.com address. You’ll be notified via email or text message when YouTube has received the email and begun processing the video. You can then go to YouTube’s website and edit specific information about the newly uploaded video.
Tip #10: Edit Your Videos with YouTube Remixer
If you’re like me, not all your videos are perfect on first recording. Most can do with a little editing—rearranging some of the scenes, adding titles, applying special effects, and the like. Previously, you had to do this editing in a separate program, which cost you money. Now, however, you can edit your videos after you’ve uploaded them to YouTube, using the new YouTube Remixer online editing program.
YouTube Remixer is a proprietary version of Adobe’s Premier Express program. Though not quite as versatile as Microsoft’s Windows Movie Maker or Apple’s iMovie, the Remixer is still quite handy and easy to use.
To edit a video with YouTube Remixer, click the My Videos link in the My box on YouTube’s home page. When your list of uploaded videos appears, click the Remix Video button next to the video you want to edit.
You can combine multiple videos into a larger video; add graphics, captions, and borders; add transitions and effects between video clips; and add background music from YouTube’s library of licensed music tracks. Remixer uses a drag-and-drop interface that’s fairly intuitive, so you should be able to figure it out without a steep learning curve.

Tip #11. When uploading your video to Youtube, make sure it is in HD. 

I’m sure I’m not alone in this, but when I search for anything, I always include ", HD" after everything in the search string. That will only pull up videos in 720p or 1080p, and those are the only videos worth watching in my opinion. This goes for music, as well as video. Nothing is more irritating that finding a cool song to listen to on Youtube, only to hear it crackle, fizzle, and be ruined by low quality audio. 
Tip #12 . Adjust your settings to always play in high quality

Watching videos in high quality is the only way to go. Youtube allows you to set your playback settings to always play the highest quality setting available. You can make that change by logging into your account and going here:


Another great tip to know about is &hd=1. When you’re sharing a link to a video with a friend, family, neighbor, a dead relative, or anyone else, send them the link and add &hd=1 at the end of the link. This will automatically play the video in HD when they click on the link. I use this often, especially when I’m posting links to my videos in blogs or facebook.
Tip #13. Have the proper rendering settings. 

I know through experience that getting this just right can sometimes be difficult. Once you have found a video editing software that works for you, I would recommend checking Youtube for tutorials on the best rendering settings, and then uploading test videos to a proxy channel to make it look the way you want. Also, find videos you like and politely ask that user for advice. I found that most people are willing to help in that regard. 
Youtube has outlined what video formats they prefer for their videos:

• WebM files - Vp8 video codec and Vorbis Audio codecs
• .MPEG4, 3GPP and MOV files - Typically supporting h264, mpeg4 video codecs, and AAC audio codec
• .AVI - Many cameras output this format - typically the video codec is MJPEG and audio is PCM
• .MPEGPS - Typically supporting MPEG2 video codec and MP2 audio
• .WMV
• .FLV - Adobe-FLV1 video codec, MP3 audio
Tip #14. Crop the image to fit the screen. 

Nothing sucks more than having a large T.V., then having to watch something that only fills up half of your uber-epic-awesome screen. Make sure the aspect ratio for your video is 16:9. The size you will want for HD is 1280 X 720. This will allow you to fill the screen and avoid any of the black bars. Depending on the video you’re editing, you may need to crop the image to fill the screen, as well. 
Tip #15. Enable your player to watch a blocked video. 

Copyright is a good thing. However, there are many great videos online, which harbor no ill will to the copyright holder, that have been blocked in certain countries. I have a video uploaded that is blocked in Germany because a certain small portion of the video contains music composed by Hans Zimmer. Here is a link to view the video:


And here is how to bypass the block if you can’t view it properly: Simply paste the video's URL into this proxy website:


Another thing that may work is by using google translate. You can paste the video URL into the translate section and it can work, depending on your location.
Tip #16. Getting a video to auto-replay

When it comes to good music, sometimes it is nice to have it on auto-replay during a good gaming session, cleaning the house, or just sitting back and enjoying all the wonderful imaginations that come to your head while its playing. Something that nice should be available, right? Check out TubeReplay and let it help you out. It will even keep a running total of how many times it repeated the epicness for you. 

Tip #17. How to Download A Youtube Video

There are many ways to do this. A lot of people ask me where I get my cinematics from. The majority come from Youtube, buddies. I use a site called keepvid. 


One thing I really like about this site is it makes it easy to see what quality you're downloading, as well as the format you want it in. I use MP4 for downloading, editing, and uploading. Keeping all of these things the same is crucial to making sure your video turns out great in the end. 
Tip #18. Playlists

Playlists are a must-have for any Youtuber. It allows you to sort videos into a group, one which you can click play-all. If you use Youtube primarily for music like I do, having a good playlist can make it very easy to enjoys hours and hours of epicness during a good gaming session without having to tab out and reload a new song. I'm currently replaying through Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 to get ready for the new release of Mass Effect 3 (woot, woot). Having epic music constantly going in the background makes it much more enjoyable. I especially found this true when I used to play World of Warcraft. Creating a playlist is easy. Next to the "Like" button on any video, you will see a button that says "add to". Click on that and make your playlist. Easy as it gets. Here are links to view playlists for my music mixes: 

Epic Music Mix Of Legend

Epic Music Mix Of Majesty

Epic Music Mix Of Sadness

Epic Music Mix Of Darkness
Tip #19. When creating a video, make sure you yourself really enjoy it

This is a key ingredient to any successful video. Don't ever settle for something mediocre, especially when you know you could have done much better with the video. My first account, Revennaras, has some videos with decent moments, but as I learned more and more, got better at editing, and saw how to truly make a good video, I grew to despise some of my earlier videos I had created. I couldn't even enjoy the mixes I spent hours and hours creating. So, I decided to create my new channel Sindrannaras. 


I revised a lot of my older content with higher quality audio, video, and creativity. It will have taken me almost a year to revise everything I want to, but I'm very happy with what I've done. Another great example of not settling for mediocre is DragonstarDT. His new video Epic Music Mix XVII - Retribution has a cinematic beginning, which is amazing. The first draft he did was amazing compared to many other similar videos out there, but he didn't think it was as good as it could have been. Thus the end result is truly great, mainly because he didn't settle for anything less than DragonstarDT-worthy-awesomeness. I salute you, good buddy!
Tip #20 . Practice Makes Perfect

Although I received good praise for m very first epic music mix, it was terrible. I'm very happy I kept at it, though. One great way to practice is to upload parts of your video to a private Youtube channel and watch it over and over, see what you do and don't like about it, then adjust accordingly. My videos nowadays go through several drafts before I upload them to my channel. 

Youtube will only get better with time. The more users who decide to upload, the greater it will be. 

Most Popular Indian Movies List - Indian Movies - Latest Movie News | Free Download Popular Movies - Indian Movies

Sunday, 19 February 2012 3 comments

Most of these ten most famous Indian movies were produced in the Hindi language and in locations across India. Known as Bollywood movies, these films are popular in South Asia and the Middle East. Many of the films are also available for online viewing by fans around the world. Here, these famous Indian movies are presented in alphabetical order by title.
  1. “Aladin.” “Aladin” is first on the list of most famous Indian movies, a Bollywood twist on the classic “Arabian Nights” tale of Aladdin. The 2009 Hindi movie is a comic action-adventure film starring Ritesh Deshmukh, Jacqueline Fernandez and Amitabh Bachchan. It centers on a bullied orphan named Aladin who receives a magic lamp. His life changes forever when he releases the genie, a rock star named Genius.
  2. “Delhi-6.” Another recent favorite, “Delhi-6,” is a Middle-Eastern comedy-drama about love, hope and self-discovery in the city of Delhi (zip code 6). This Hindi language film stars Waheeda Rehman, Abhishek Bachchan and Sonam Kapoor.
  3. “Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge.” “Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge,” translated “The Big Hearted Will Take The Bride,” is a famous 1995 musical. Considered one of the top must-see Bollywood films, the romantic comedy focuses on first generation British Indians, their lives and loves. The film stars Shahrukh Khan, Kajol and Amrish Puri.
  4. “Indian.” “Indian,” also known as “Hindustani,” is a 1996 Tamil film dubbed in the Hindi language. The musical action-drama stars Kamal Hassan, Nedumudi Venu and Manisha Koirala. It tells the story of an angry freedom fighter determined to clean up government corruption. The movie was an Academy Award nominee for Best Foreign Language Film.
  5. “Jab We Met.” “Jab We Met,” translated “When We Met,” is a funny 2007 romantic comedy starring Kareena Kapoor, Shahid Kapoor and Imtiaz Ali. This Indian movie centers on a depressed Mumbai businessman who meets a spunky Punjabi girl on an overnight train ride to Delhi. Their meeting changes his life forever.
  6. “Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham.” The Bollywood mega hit “Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham,” translated “Sometimes Happiness, Sometimes Sadness,” is one of the most famous Indian movies. The 2001 musical drama tells the story of a prodigal son and the younger brother who vows to bring him home. The film features many of India’s leading actors, including Amitabh Bachchan, Hrithik Roshan and Karan Johar.
  7. “Kal Ho Naa Ho.” “Kal ho naa ho,” translated “Tomorrow May Never Come,” is a 2003 Indian film starring Preity Zinta, Shahrukh Khan and Saif Ali Khan. The story focuses on a serious girl named Naina–and Aman, the new neighbor who teaches her how to really live.
  8. “Mohabbatein.” “Mohabbatein,” translated “Love Stories,” is a 2000 Indian film starring Amitabh Bachchan, Shahrukh Khan and Uday Chopra. Winner of two Filmfare Awards, the movie revolves around three young men who meet in a train station and begin an instant friendship. Through various trials and tribulations, they learn that love and change are inevitable parts of life.
  9. “Salaam-E-Ishq.” Another recently-famous Indian movie is “Salaam-E-Ishq,” translated “A Salute To Love.” The 2007 Bollywood musical features a huge cast of Indian movie stars, including Salman Khan, Priyanka Chopra and Anil Kapoor. The story revolves around six couples in love and the problems they face in their relationships.
  10. “Umrao Jaan.” Last on this famous Indian movies list is “Umrao Jaan,” a 1981 film based on an Urdu novel about a famous Lucknow courtesan. Set in the mid-1840s, the musical drama stars Farooq Shaikh, Naseeruddin Shah and the beautiful Rekha, often featured as a sex symbol in Indian media.

Introducing the New Twitter Interface is available for all after roll out two month

Friday, 17 February 2012 2 comments

MICRO BLOGGING WEB SITE Twitter has announced that all of its users have been updated to its latest interface.

The new look Twitter interface was launched in December and Twitter has completed its roll out. Some users have had to wait longer than others but it's available for all desktop and mobile users now.

Twitter said, "It's been available for mobile phones, via the mobile web, Twitter for iPhone and Twitter for Android, and we've been rolling it out steadily to Twitter.com. Now, everyone has access to it."

As one user points out it was a change to swap the news feed from the left hand side to the right.

Samsung Galaxy Note Full Mobile Specifications and Price in India | Samsung Galaxy Note Excellent REVIEW | Galaxy Note`s update & it's not Android Ice Cream Sandwich


Samsung Galaxy Note PreviewSamsung after it’s huge success with Android mobile phones has now launched yet another addition to it’s queue. Samsung Galaxy Note, a smart mobile handset with a combination of smartphone functionality along with a tablet viewing experience. You no longer required to carry any other devices like mobile, tablet PC, digital camera, pen, notepad & other stationary stuff if you have Samsung Galaxy Note in hand.
The Samsung Galaxy Note mobile is equipped with a 5.3″ HD Super AMOLED WXGA screen with different sensors like Light sensor, proximity sensor, accelerometer & Barometer. The mobile runs on Android 2.3 Gingerbread operating system with a 1.4GHz dual core processor & 1GB RAM powering it from the back end.
Galaxy Note also ports a S pen (stylus) which is used to capture, crop & annotate. For example, you can draw pictures, create presentations and many more using the S pen.
The mobile supports playback of different audio formats such as mp3, mp4, aac, amr, wma, wav, flac, ogg & video formats such as MPEG 4, H.264, H.263, WMV, DivX, Xvic and VC-1. Apart from these it allows the playback of 1080p HD videos. The music player is powered by SoundAlive & the mobile has a 3.5mm audio jack for better quality. Stereo FM with RDS will allow you to tune into different FM radio stations. The other connectivity features include LTE, HSPA+, Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi hotspot.
Samsung Galaxy Note has got a 8MP camera on the back side with LED flash support. The front camera is of 2MP quality which allows you to make good quality video calls. As the rear camera is providing HD video recording of 1080p @ 30fps (frames per second), you don’t need to carry a separate digital camera with you.
It has an internal memory of 16GB/32GB (two different variants) and in addition it supports an external memory card of upto 32GB.

Price of Samsung Galaxy Note in India: Rs.34,990/-

Review Of Samsung Galaxy Note

galaxy-note-review-600Without a doubt, the Samsung Galaxy Note is the biggest smartphone you’ve ever seen. It’s still nice and thin (just 0.38 inches), so don’t worry about flashbacks to the Zack Morris phones of yesteryear. Still, why would you want such a big screen in a phone? Samusng has a few ideas, some of them brand new.
With a 5-inch screen, the Galaxy Note blurs the line between phone and tablet. Any function that benefits from extra screen space effectively gets an upgrade on the Note, and there are a lot of them. Still, let’s be clear: you buy this device from AT&T with a contract. It has a built-in data connection (4G LTE, thank you very much) and — oh yeah — it can make voice calls over wireless networks. This is a phone.
The Note’s sheer size has both advantages and disadvantages. With more real estate, the menu screen has room for 30 app icons. That’s amazing, though it’s kind of too many — looking for an app in a 5×6 array definitely makes it a bit harder to lock on to a target. Reading, however, is a better experience than almost any phone, letting you get through lots of text in emails and articles before you need to scroll. If you’re a slow reader, though, you’ll need to increase the time before the screen goes dark from inactivity.

So what sort of tricks can you do with the delightfully retro S Pen? First, there are several drawing apps (surprise, a few are preloaded) that let you get your stylus on, like Touch Physics clone called Crayon Physics, where you draw objects to coax a ball across the screen to hit a star. Cute — and addictive.
But the app Samsung wants you to use the most is S Memo, which you can call up while running any app (even the phone) by holding down he stylus button and double tapping. That way, you can stop and take notes — handwritten notes — anytime, anywhere, no matter what you’re doing. Samsung even throws in handwriting-to-text software to translate your scribble into something intelligible.
In practice, the concept isn’t as good as, um, on paper. As a reporter, I often have to take notes, but writing on the Note feels alien after using an actual notebook. You can simulate an actual pen better with a $50 accessory, but the whole idea just feels better suited for quick Post-It-type messages. Even for those, I’d wager most smartphone users are so good at dashing them off with their thumbs that S Memo would just be redundant. The handwriting recognition is far from flawless as well (shown in the photo below — click to see it larger).
Samsung Bring Galaxy Note`s update and no, it's not Android Ice Cream Sandwich

Samsung rolls out an update to the Galaxy Note, and no, it's not Android Ice Cream Sandwich
Samsung issued an update for the Galaxy Note 5.3" monster of a phone, and some usability tweaks are in store, taking advantage of that massive screen real estate.

Samsung rolls out an update to the Galaxy Note, and no, it's not Android Ice Cream Sandwich
Samsung rolls out an update to the Galaxy Note, and no, it's not Android Ice Cream Sandwich
The most clever change is a new five-row virtual keyboard, which has the numbers constantly on top, instead of having to enter punctuation mode every time you need to key in the bid in your eBay shopping spree.

There are shrunk keyboard and dialpad modes now as well, which helps immensely when you are struggling to use the phone with one hand, and, lo and behold, it's a struggle with a phone like the Note.

Samsung rolls out an update to the Galaxy Note, and no, it's not Android Ice Cream Sandwich
Samsung rolls out an update to the Galaxy Note, and no, it's not Android Ice Cream Sandwich
Samsung rolls out an update to the Galaxy Note, and no, it's not Android Ice Cream Sandwich
Other enhancements include a larger lock in the lock screen, which you now have to move only slightly to get to the homescreen, instead of having to drag the thing across half the entire giant display before.

There are also arrows that point which way to move it to unlock, in case you are a first-timer.

The laundry list continues with separate settings for brightness and background color for the browser, which should help with battery life, additional date display modes in Calendar, and a dedicated torch widget for your homescreens. This way you can easily use the phone's screen as a torch, with three levels of brightness available by pressing the torch button.
Well, it's not the Android Ice Cream Sandwich update, but it shouldn't be far behind, as Samsung mentioned it will be out this quarter.

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